Friday, October 11, 2019

Image result for images of happy people clip art       Way to go, Parents and Campers! - This week there was a significant increase in participating campers for our weekly blog draw!  Thank you for taking the time to write the SQ in the agenda and also for taking the time to read our classroom blog!  There were campers who earned up to 5 tickets tody for our draw!  Great job!

Image result for images of children reading clip art       Also, please keep an eye on your child regarding their daily commitment to reading.  Keep the log up-to-date, as I periodically check on each camper's reading progress so they stay on target for meeting this goal successfully!  Remember, you do not have to be sitting beside your child while they read.  They can read aloud to you as you multi-task, or read independently (so long as they are engaged in reading).

Next week at a glance...

Monday - Happy Thanksgiving - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday - Review Math and Science
Wednesday - Review Math and Science
Thursday - Math Test Part 2, Science Test on Stability, WOW test

In light of this upcoming short week, I will NOT be assigning THRoW for homework, NOR will we have our usual weekly Language Quiz.  We WILL however, be having our second Math test on Addition and Subtraction as well as our end-of-the-unit test in Science on Stability and Structures.

That's all for this weekend!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving Weekend with your family!

Image result for images of leaning tower of pisaCounsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name a famous structure that can be found in Italy that is no longer balanced or stable?