Monday, June 22, 2020

Dear Parents of my Campers,

             Well, we made it to the end!  I would like to say how grateful I am for your support in educating your child this past crazy year!  I could not have done what I did without your constant support! I mean, every aspect of this process ...
  • Getting to know Google Classroom yourselves so you could support your child
  • Adding google chrome extensions so your child could actually edit the assignments
  • Getting familiar with a gazillion different apps / programs
  • Troubleshooting almost every other day
  • Dealing with online time commitments and rearranging schedules to make this work
  • Balancing multiple children and time on electronics
  • Helping your child do homework that you did in grade 6!
  • Dealing with ensuring you and your child's mental health are in check
I could go on and on, and trust me, I DO understand how much work all of this was for you as well.  Thank you for your patience and most importantly, thank you for trusting ME to do what I do best with your child! It was a pleasure getting to know you all and I look forward to following your child as he/she moves up the grades over the next several years!

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Also, if you find any of my personal library books over the summer, or come across the school's recorder, please return to school in September.  I am missing MANY recorders and music books sadly.  Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

Dear Campers,

          Congratulations on completing grade 3 - this year will go down in the history books and you were all a part of it!  You managed to make the shift from in class student learners to online superstars very well!  Yes, there were some challenges, but you did it and I'm so proud of your perseverance through this all.  You will do just great next year in the junior grades, I believe in all of you.  Make sure you take time to thank your parents for all of their help and support this year.  We would not have been able to do this without their help.  You are lucky campers, to belong to such amazing families!

Well, on to a well-deserved summer vacation!  If there is one thing you could commit to doing over the summer, it's read.  Read. Read. Read.  That's it.  If you're really pumped up, throw in your multiplication facts to 12 and I guarantee you won't be sorry!
best wishes
I will say good-bye for now, but definitely not forever!  Don't be shy to say 'Hey, Mrs. Wilson' when we pass in the hallways!

Enjoy your summer, kiddos!

Mrs. Wilson

P.S. I'll be sure to invite you as a GUEST next year to our Fear Factor!