Monday, October 28, 2019

Image result for images of halloween

This week...

No THRoW - but be on the lookout to review Math and Spelling.

Back by popular demand....


Image result for images of pumpkins seed as fingernails

Thursday, October 31st, Camp Wilson is hosting a spooky Halloween event for our fellow classes!  You have probably heard by now, we are using foods from our 4 Healthy Food Groups to create the effect of horrifying body parts in a "Walk-Through-Put-Your-Hand-in-and-Feel" activity!  Many classes in our school ask to participate in the walk through, it's super fun!
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Here's what we are using ...

caulifower - preserved brains
big, round peeled grapes - ripped out eyeballs
dried apricots - chopped off ears
cooked spaghetti - guts
pumpkin seeds hollowed out - ripped off fingernails
cooked hotdogs - chopped off fingers
frozen, water-filled latex glove 0- clammy dead hand

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I have asked students to volunteer to help out with bringing in some of the needed food items for our FEAR FACTOR event.  Please, if you are willing and able, sign up to bring in ONE item in your child's agenda by tomorrow.  Items need to be brought in no later than Wednesday.  That will leave me enough time to get any items that we are still missing for the next day.
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THANK YOU in advance for your help! Thank you for participating!  There will be a few students bringing in the same items in case someone forgets!  I will be sure to take many pictures!

Let the fun begin!!

Counsellor Wilson
Image result for images of hotdogs like fingers
SECRET QUESTION:  What food item will be our ripped out eyeballs?