Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ok Parents,

      Today, students volunteered to bring in ONE of the needed food items for our Fear Factor Event Thursday.  Please send these items in tomorrow so that I can take inventory and pick up whatever is left to buy tonight.  Thank you for the is short notice  - I appreciate your help!

Check your child's agenda to see what you can bring in.  If you can't bring that particular item, then you can bring something else.  If you are unable to send in any of the items, I'll have your child take on a different job the day of, no worries.  I understand it is late in the game.

MATH:  We will have a brief Math assessment on Patterns in the hundreds chart and on a number line this Thursday.  It will be on...

Describing a number pattern by stating...
  1. Where the number starts.
  2. What the pattern increases or decreases by.
  3.  State the pattern in the ones place value digit. 
  4.  State the pattern in the tens place value digit.
  5.  Explain what type of lines it creates in the hundreds chart (a column, row, diagonal).
Ex.  5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 ...

This pattern starts at 5 and increases by 5.  The ones place value digit repeats 5, 0.  The tens place value digit repeats starts at 0, increases by 1 then repeats once.  This pattern creates two columns in the hundreds chart.

I'll send home the math duo tang for review.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What does Mrs. Wilson usually dress up as on Halloween?