Friday, October 4, 2019

Happy Friday, Parents and Campers!

In regards to the possible closure of our school beginning Monday, I am going to hope for a peaceful resolution and agreement
to be reached.  So, that being said, I am planning as if it is business as usual unless I hear otherwise Sunday evening.

Next week at a glance...

MATH - We are finished our first unit in Math and will be having an end-of-the-unit test next Wednesday.  I will send home the Math duo tangs for review Monday and Tuesday.

THRoW - Our THRoW homework beginning next week will have a NON-FICTION focus. I will send home an example as a model for your child to follow.  They are to search for non-fiction features and give an example of each.  Assigned Monday, due Friday.

Congratulations to SEVERAL students who have mastered WRITING their personal information!  They will no longer be required to include this on our next Language assessment next week! Please sign and return this week's language assessment in your child's agenda.

I will be attaching our goals for each subject in my next post.

That's all for now!

Counsellor  Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is one property of a rubber? (Ex. flexible, inflexible, strong, breathable, hard, soft)