Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Great start to the week, campers and parents!

A couple of requests:  Please ask your child if they still need white board markers, red pens, yellow highlighters or indoor gym shoes.  I would like to have these items by the start of next week if possible.  Tomorrow we are going to the gym so please make sure you send your child with a pair of indoor gym shoes tomorrow.  I will know by Friday, what our daily schedule will be for the remainder of the year.  Our school is still in the process of getting schedules finalized so we will need to be a little patient.  Thank you for understanding!

Language - Tonight and tomorrow, your child will be bringing home their yellow language duo tang to review for our quiz on Friday.  Typically, I will send home the language duo tang the day before for a quick review, however, your child is welcome to take it home whenever they need it.  Just please be mindful to return all materials everyday.  Thank you!

Math - Please make sure all errors are corrected each night in the math duo tangs.  There is always a quick review included for parents to see the focus.  Please do not hesitate to ask me for clarification when needed.  Our students are doing a lot more than we did in grade 3!

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Write the number two hundred seventy-two in standard form.