Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dear Parents and Campers,

As you may have heard, our school is undergoing a large reorganization of classes due to increased enrolment.  Although it is great news that St. Christopher is growing, it also means that my camp will be affected.  I am currently at 23 students and have been reduced to  20.  The 3 students affected have been told and they were able to spend part of today with their new classmates in their new rooms.  It was made very clear that this was an administration decision and not the teacher's choice.  A letter has been sent home to inform parents of this move.  These three amazing campers will continue to be honorary campers in our eyes, even though they will be starting a new journey in a different class.

Have a terrific weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Spelling books have been sent home to be signed.  Errors are to be done at the back of the book 10x each.  My policy is that if a student spells a word correctly but writes it incorrectly (uppercase letters or lower case letters used incorrectly), they rewrite the word 10x each but get credit for spelling the word.  Many students did not do their words last week.  Please check the back of the book.  Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

What is the missing number in this equation...
13 +  ?  = 19