Sunday, September 22, 2019

Image result for images of good luck clip artDear Parents and Campers,

        This is going to be a busy week! Best wishes to our fellow campers; Tyler, Sandra and Dani as they begin this week in their new classrooms!  We will miss them very much, but know that we will continue to be friends and support one another around school!

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WOW words:  Individualized words of the week (W.O.W.) begin this week.  However, if your child made errors in the first two spelling tests, those words will be repeated until they are mastered.  So, you might see some repeat number words, but that's to ensure the correct spelling! Please review a little each night.

Image result for images of homeworkT.H.R.o.W. - Monday - This week, we begin our THROW homework.  This does not mean to THROW the gray duo tang literally, it stands for Take Home Reading or Writing!  I assign some type of reading/writing work on Monday and expect it back completed by Friday.  It can be returned early, but everyone MUST hand it in no later than Friday.  Those who do not, will be expected to complete it during their recess time on Friday.  I strongly encourage parents to avoid this option, as I believe recess is a necessary break/activity time for kids (and teachers!). This week's THRoW will consist of identifying features of a fiction text; characters, setting, problem and solution.
Image result for images of mass clip art
MASS: This Friday, September 27the grade 3s from 3D and 3W will be putting on our first school mass in our school gym at 1:30 pm.  All are welcome to attend.  Every student will have a role to play. I will be sending home a copy of your child's reading.  Please practise at home this week for those who are reading.

Image result for images of meet the teacher

MEET THE TEACHER - Our 'Meet the Teacher' information night will be this Wednesday, September 25th from 4:30 - 5:30 pm.  Please try to come out and hear first hand the ins and outs of supporting your child in grade 3.  I will be discussing all kinds of information, so come on out!  I look forward to meeting all of you!

Well, I think that's about all for now.  I will be in touch throughout the week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What is the music term for a group of lyrics separated by a space?