Monday, September 9, 2019

Dear Parents,

Here's hoping you had a long, restful weekend!

W.O.W. (Words of the Week) - This week we will be starting our Spelling program.  Each week, you will find your child's words of the week in their agenda on Monday.  Please review throughout the course of the week.  Fridays, we will be tested on our words.  Every child will have their own individual words to learn based on our diagnostic testing last week.  However, I am still trying to determine the first 10 words for some amazing spellers in my camp!  So, our first 2 weeks of WOW words will be on the number words.  Then our individualized spelling program will begin.  Thank you for your support in reviewing each week!

LANGUAGE QUIZ - Most Fridays, campers will have some sort of language quiz to review what concepts were learning that week.  I sometimes omit this quiz if students already have assessments that same week.  You will see when we have a language quiz in your child's agenda when you sign it.  (Btw, thank you for being so diligent in signing each day!)

HOMEWORK For the first couple of weeks, the homework will likely be in Math or Science.  The only homework that will be sent home is work that your child did not complete during the given class time.  Even if students complete their homework, I like for them to take it home to show you that it is indeed completed.  This also gives you a chance to see what we are learning so that you can best support your child's learning.  Please check your child's agenda and my blog for details each week.  Homework is posted on this blog in the top right hand corner.

I have to say, THANK YOU to all of the parents who promptly returned all completed forms last week!  It makes  my job so much easier when items are returned so quickly! 

Well, that's about all for now!  Be on the look-out for our Mini-Progress report this Friday!  I'll be keeping a close eye on campers this week to see if they can live up to our co-created success criteria for a great start in grade 3!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the science term used to describe the weight that a structure is able to hold?