Thursday, February 13, 2020

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      Please check to see if your child needs to spend some time tonight correcting errors in his/her Math duo tang.  Pages are marked with stickies. Many pages were left unfinished or had errors on them that were not yet corrected.  As a result, I could not move forward with our scheduled Math test today.  This is a very important concept - TIME and I have decided to postpone our assessment until tomorrow.  Today we worked on going over some of the errors made in practise work.  Please review time to five minute intervals with your child.  Students should be able to tell time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour and to five minute intervals.  They are to read, draw and tell time on both digital and analog clocks.
Image result for images of telling time
Your support is greatly needed and appreciated!

Counsellor Wilson

Welcome to Mary Korkis, our newest addition to Camp Wilson!  Welcome to St. Christopher School!

SECRET QUESTION:  What is Mary's number?

Image result for anchor charts on reading time