Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ok Parents and campers!

Tomorrow, we have our WOW test, our Language Quiz (focus on adjectives) and our Poetry Read-off

Keep in mind, there are some students who have yet to master their personal information (we have been working on this since October). Language quizzes from last week have been sent home today. Look on the back of the quiz to see how your child did in this area.  If they made any errors (did not achieve a level 4) they must include this information on tomorrow's quiz as well.  Students MUST KNOW how to say AND WRITE their full name, address (including city, province and postal code), phone number and birthdate.
Review daily if needed.  This is a matter of personal safety.

Math:  Assessment on our unit in Measurement on Time and Calendar is also coming home today. If your child received a level 1 or an R, I will be meeting with them to go over their errors as well as reteach some of these concepts.  This will have to be done at recess time as I am moving on to our next unit in Math on Multiplication and Division.  Please try to support me by reviewing time on analog clocks whenever possible.  This is a concept that is needed life long.  Thank you!

Image result for images of school closed
Reminder - Friday schools across Ontario will be closed due to strike action.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What picture represents this math sentence:  2 x 5?