Monday, February 24, 2020

Ok, Parents and Campers, let's hope  this is a normal, five day week ahead of us!  We are currently scheduled to be here everyday this week, let's hope negotiations continue between OECTA and the government until a fair solution is achieved!

If anything changes, I'll post it on my blog.

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THRoW: This week's THRoW will be a FACTUAL PARAGRAPH on a PLACE.  Students can research a place they would like to visit or a place they have been.  This is a factual paragraph, so please keep focused on facts.  Do not use personal pronouns such as "I, You, We" when writing a factual paragraph.  Follow the same format as a stoplight paragraph that I modelled earlier in your THRoW duo tangs.  I modelled a factual paragraph on a person and on an animal. Please ensure your child uses the editing and revising checklist at the back of their THRoW duo tang before finishing.  The final THRoW should include a brainstorming web, a rough copy and a final good copy without any errors stop-lighted (underlined in green, yellow and red to ensure all features of a paragraph are present).

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LANGUAGE QUIZZES:  I give weekly language quizzes to keep students up on our grammar/writing focus each week.  I send home the language duo tangs for review the day before, however, you may notice at times, a couple of pages that have not yet been completed.  This is ok.  It means that we haven't completed them in class yet.   Quizzes will be focused on what my campers have learned to date.  Keep in mind, I do a significant amount of teaching whole group and in small groups using white boards to reinforce new learning.  So, what you see in the language duo tang is only a portion of what your child is working on gramamr. Thank you to those parents who feel comfortable enough to ask me questions!

MATH: There was a small handful of campers that require additional practise on reading and showing time correctly on an analog clock.  I will continue working with this group and have a retest at the end of this week.  Please ask your child if they are in this group and review accordingly.

That's enough for a Monday morning!  Stay tuned later this week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the connection between multiplication and fractions?
A.  They are both very difficult.
B.  They both involve EQUAL GROUPS.
C.  They both have the same number of syllables.