Monday, February 10, 2020

Hi Parents,

Yes, your child IS telling you the truth...despite having written 'THRoW' in the agenda, there is NO THRoW this week.  I have decided that since we are having a math assessment on Thursday, we would by pass the THRoW this week.

Tonight your child is coming home with his/her report card.  It containts only grades, no comments.  Although this is VERY strange to see at a glance, please know that I am happy to meet with you to provide you with information that I would have normally included.  Please sign and return the report card bottom portion along with the unsealed envelope as soon as possible.  If you would like to meet with me, I believe today is the last day to sign up online for an interview time slot.  Please see earlier post on how to do this.

Word Processing Skills in Google Documents:  Ask your child today about all of the things they learned how to do in a google document.  So far, they should say they can...

Image result for images of computer skills
  • select / change the font
  • highlight text
  • underline text
  • change the text size
  • change the text colour
  • use 'select all' to manipulate the entire text
  • use the arrow back and arrow forward keys
  • highlight and copy text
  • paste selected text that has been copied
The goal is to use these skills when submitting documents or slides in google classroom to enhance overall presentation of information.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What text size does Mrs. Wilson want her campers to write in when submitting assignments?