Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Image result for images of good news
Hello Parents,

It seems I didn't post my last blog post, so you didn't get the reminder of our Strike on Tuesday - Luckily, we had it written down in the agendas, and no one accidentally came to school!

Our grade threes at St. Chris have won the AM 800 Cans for a Cause Contest for the class that brings in the most cans!  Congratulations to all of our campers and fellow grade 3s for such an amazing effort!  As a reward, AM 800 will be treating all of us to a pizza lunch on Friday, February 14th!  So, mark it in your calendars - no lunch on Friday, February 14th!  Way to go eagles!

Image result for images of pizzaThis week's THRoW is a factual paragraph.  This is our second attempt at a factual paragraph.  Last week, campers wrote a factual paragraph on an animal in google classroom.  I have marked and commented on each of them, so take a look in your child's mytools2go account if you want to check it out!

THRoW this week is focused on a famous person.  They are to include a creative topic sentence to introduce their person without giving any facts. Then they are to write about 3 or 4 facts about their person.  Finally, a creative closing sentence ends the paragraph.  I should see 2 paragraphs in all  - one is their rough copy hopefully covered in red pen edits and revisions and a good copy that is stop-lighted (underlined in green yellow and red).  I look forward to reading them and learning something too!  See my modeled example in their THRoW books.

Our fundraising challenge has begun!  Our students at St. Chris have been challenged as members of TEAM YELLOW to fund raise more than Team Red!  Our goal is to raise $20, 000!  Ask your campers about this!

Tonight - students are to finish up unfinished Math pages 112, 113.   We are learning about calendar, how to schedule multiple activities without conflict and how to tell time!
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That's all for now!
Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What language are we currently learning to count in during attendance?