Thursday, February 27, 2020

Friday - RETEST for those students affected in the Math in Time.  Students should be able to read time on digital and analog clocks to 5-minute intervals, including time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour.  Students should also be able to read a calendar and know...

Image result for images of analog clocks
  • 12 months in a year
  • 365 days in a year
  • 366 days in a leap year
  • 52 weeks in a year
  • 4 or 5 weeks in a month
  • 28, 29, 30 or 31 days in a month
  • 4 seasons in a year

Image result for images of adjectives
Students must be able to read time in more than one way and solve problems involving time.

Language Quiz:  Focus will be on adjectives and a few questions on plurals, nouns, editing and features of a paragraph.

Poetry Read-Off :  Poem:  "I Often Contradict Myself" by Ken Nesbitt


Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  If this 2020 year is a leap year, when will the next leap year occur?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Need Support

Image result for images of frustrated baby facesHello Parents and Campers,

         Well, I'm going to be honest with y' was a little frustrating.  Just today, 3 people did not have their language duo tangs,  2 others left their math duo tangs at home and another 3 campers couldn't find their Social Studies duo tang.  Sigh.  It is very difficult to manage and keep track of which students didn't have which books on which day.  We use our duo tangs on a daily basis. When a student does not have their books, pages go missing and work is often left undone.  I am reaching out to you because I need your support by ensuring your child is diligent in packing all needed duo tangs in their backpacks every night after use so it gets back to school. 

Also, I am in the midst of small group instruction in Math as I reteach key concepts on reading time on analog clocks and reading the calendar to a small group of students who need additional help. We have also begun a unit on multiplication and division.  For those students affected by the upcoming Math retest Friday, please work each night on the extra practise handouts in your child's blue Math duo tang.

Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many different ways can you arrange 6 circles in equal rows?

Monday, February 24, 2020

Ok, Parents and Campers, let's hope  this is a normal, five day week ahead of us!  We are currently scheduled to be here everyday this week, let's hope negotiations continue between OECTA and the government until a fair solution is achieved!

If anything changes, I'll post it on my blog.

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THRoW: This week's THRoW will be a FACTUAL PARAGRAPH on a PLACE.  Students can research a place they would like to visit or a place they have been.  This is a factual paragraph, so please keep focused on facts.  Do not use personal pronouns such as "I, You, We" when writing a factual paragraph.  Follow the same format as a stoplight paragraph that I modelled earlier in your THRoW duo tangs.  I modelled a factual paragraph on a person and on an animal. Please ensure your child uses the editing and revising checklist at the back of their THRoW duo tang before finishing.  The final THRoW should include a brainstorming web, a rough copy and a final good copy without any errors stop-lighted (underlined in green, yellow and red to ensure all features of a paragraph are present).

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LANGUAGE QUIZZES:  I give weekly language quizzes to keep students up on our grammar/writing focus each week.  I send home the language duo tangs for review the day before, however, you may notice at times, a couple of pages that have not yet been completed.  This is ok.  It means that we haven't completed them in class yet.   Quizzes will be focused on what my campers have learned to date.  Keep in mind, I do a significant amount of teaching whole group and in small groups using white boards to reinforce new learning.  So, what you see in the language duo tang is only a portion of what your child is working on gramamr. Thank you to those parents who feel comfortable enough to ask me questions!

MATH: There was a small handful of campers that require additional practise on reading and showing time correctly on an analog clock.  I will continue working with this group and have a retest at the end of this week.  Please ask your child if they are in this group and review accordingly.

That's enough for a Monday morning!  Stay tuned later this week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the connection between multiplication and fractions?
A.  They are both very difficult.
B.  They both involve EQUAL GROUPS.
C.  They both have the same number of syllables.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ok Parents and campers!

Tomorrow, we have our WOW test, our Language Quiz (focus on adjectives) and our Poetry Read-off

Keep in mind, there are some students who have yet to master their personal information (we have been working on this since October). Language quizzes from last week have been sent home today. Look on the back of the quiz to see how your child did in this area.  If they made any errors (did not achieve a level 4) they must include this information on tomorrow's quiz as well.  Students MUST KNOW how to say AND WRITE their full name, address (including city, province and postal code), phone number and birthdate.
Review daily if needed.  This is a matter of personal safety.

Math:  Assessment on our unit in Measurement on Time and Calendar is also coming home today. If your child received a level 1 or an R, I will be meeting with them to go over their errors as well as reteach some of these concepts.  This will have to be done at recess time as I am moving on to our next unit in Math on Multiplication and Division.  Please try to support me by reviewing time on analog clocks whenever possible.  This is a concept that is needed life long.  Thank you!

Image result for images of school closed
Reminder - Friday schools across Ontario will be closed due to strike action.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What picture represents this math sentence:  2 x 5?

Friday, February 14, 2020

Image result for valentine's day craftImage result for images of I AM LOVEGreat day, today!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of my campers and campers' parents! Today we read the book "I Am Love" by Susan Verde to inspire our Valentine's Day craft.  Ask your child about it!  It really highlighted the meaning of what love is!  

Campers worked hard on their Heart trees!  Hope you love them!

Enjoy your long weekend!  Happy Family Day as Well!  

Today I was able to check over all of the math pages with stickies and conference with each student as we corrected and reviewed one final time before our assessment.  All went well and I'll be sending home this test on Tuesday for you to review, sign and return next week. 

Image result for images of multiplication and division symbols
Thanks for your support, parents!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is our next unit in Math?  

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Valentine's Day Tomorrow!

Image result for images of valentine's day schoolTomorrow is February 14th, VALENTINE'S DAY!  So, if you plan on sending in Valentines or treats, please remember that we are now a class of 21 Campers!

Thank you,

Counsellor Wilson

Secret Question:  What is 14 written in expanded form?
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      Please check to see if your child needs to spend some time tonight correcting errors in his/her Math duo tang.  Pages are marked with stickies. Many pages were left unfinished or had errors on them that were not yet corrected.  As a result, I could not move forward with our scheduled Math test today.  This is a very important concept - TIME and I have decided to postpone our assessment until tomorrow.  Today we worked on going over some of the errors made in practise work.  Please review time to five minute intervals with your child.  Students should be able to tell time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour and to five minute intervals.  They are to read, draw and tell time on both digital and analog clocks.
Image result for images of telling time
Your support is greatly needed and appreciated!

Counsellor Wilson

Welcome to Mary Korkis, our newest addition to Camp Wilson!  Welcome to St. Christopher School!

SECRET QUESTION:  What is Mary's number?

Image result for anchor charts on reading time

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Final Reminder!


Image result for images of pizza
Image result for images of pizza
February 14th was a no go as it is Valentine's Day and Armando could not do it on this day, so, TOMORROW we will enjoy our free pizza lunch provided by AM 800 Cans for a Cause!
Bring your regular snacks and drinks!

I believe it will be cheese and pepperoni pizza, so if you have a selective eater, you may want to send in a back up lunch!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many campers will be have tomorrow in Camp Wilson?

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hi Parents,

Yes, your child IS telling you the truth...despite having written 'THRoW' in the agenda, there is NO THRoW this week.  I have decided that since we are having a math assessment on Thursday, we would by pass the THRoW this week.

Tonight your child is coming home with his/her report card.  It containts only grades, no comments.  Although this is VERY strange to see at a glance, please know that I am happy to meet with you to provide you with information that I would have normally included.  Please sign and return the report card bottom portion along with the unsealed envelope as soon as possible.  If you would like to meet with me, I believe today is the last day to sign up online for an interview time slot.  Please see earlier post on how to do this.

Word Processing Skills in Google Documents:  Ask your child today about all of the things they learned how to do in a google document.  So far, they should say they can...

Image result for images of computer skills
  • select / change the font
  • highlight text
  • underline text
  • change the text size
  • change the text colour
  • use 'select all' to manipulate the entire text
  • use the arrow back and arrow forward keys
  • highlight and copy text
  • paste selected text that has been copied
The goal is to use these skills when submitting documents or slides in google classroom to enhance overall presentation of information.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What text size does Mrs. Wilson want her campers to write in when submitting assignments?

Friday, February 7, 2020

Image result for images of report cards clip artHi Parents!

REPORT CARDS:  Just a quick post to give you more information about the upcoming report cards and interview times for next week. Monday, students will be coming home with their report cards.   Please review and complete the goals for your child for Term 2.  Also, feel free to comment yourself in the parent portion.  Please sign and return the bottom portion along with the envelope at your earliest convenience.  I will be using these same envelopes one more time for the end of the year.

Image result for images of parent teacher interviews   clip artGRADES:  These reports will have grades only on them.  This is an initiative taken by our union in our administrative strike action.  That being said, your children are my priority and I am happy to discuss with you in person everything that I would have normally written down in the learning skills area.  If you would like to meet with me to discuss the report card, I'm happy to meet with you on Thursday evening next week.  If I circled 'No' that I do not request a meeting, that doesn't mean that I can't meet with you anyways.  I can schedule a phone interview or mtg face to face on Thursday night.  Sign up online by

Thursday, February 13th - Parent Teacher Interviews


1.  Go to a web browser and type in our school website in the address bar:
2.  Click on SCHOOLS.
3.  Scroll down to Elementary Schools and find St. Christopher School and click on it.
4.  Then click on our school name.
5.  This will bring you to St. Christopher Elementary School Portal.
     Scroll down and find Parent/Teacher Interviews.  Click on this.
6. Click on Booking for JK to Grade 6.
7.  Scroll about halfway down and find me, Mrs. R. Wilson - Gr. 3
8. Select your preferred time slot by clicking on Sign Up.
9.  When you are finished with all of your interview scheduling, click on the bottom button
     'Submit and Sign Up!


Enjoy your weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 4 x 11?

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Image result for images of good news
Hello Parents,

It seems I didn't post my last blog post, so you didn't get the reminder of our Strike on Tuesday - Luckily, we had it written down in the agendas, and no one accidentally came to school!

Our grade threes at St. Chris have won the AM 800 Cans for a Cause Contest for the class that brings in the most cans!  Congratulations to all of our campers and fellow grade 3s for such an amazing effort!  As a reward, AM 800 will be treating all of us to a pizza lunch on Friday, February 14th!  So, mark it in your calendars - no lunch on Friday, February 14th!  Way to go eagles!

Image result for images of pizzaThis week's THRoW is a factual paragraph.  This is our second attempt at a factual paragraph.  Last week, campers wrote a factual paragraph on an animal in google classroom.  I have marked and commented on each of them, so take a look in your child's mytools2go account if you want to check it out!

THRoW this week is focused on a famous person.  They are to include a creative topic sentence to introduce their person without giving any facts. Then they are to write about 3 or 4 facts about their person.  Finally, a creative closing sentence ends the paragraph.  I should see 2 paragraphs in all  - one is their rough copy hopefully covered in red pen edits and revisions and a good copy that is stop-lighted (underlined in green yellow and red).  I look forward to reading them and learning something too!  See my modeled example in their THRoW books.

Our fundraising challenge has begun!  Our students at St. Chris have been challenged as members of TEAM YELLOW to fund raise more than Team Red!  Our goal is to raise $20, 000!  Ask your campers about this!

Tonight - students are to finish up unfinished Math pages 112, 113.   We are learning about calendar, how to schedule multiple activities without conflict and how to tell time!
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That's all for now!
Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What language are we currently learning to count in during attendance?