Friday, November 15, 2019

Social Studies Quiz Results:

       Parents, I would like to take this time to go over what I expect students to do when they take home their duo tangs in Social Studies or Science to review.  We recently had a quiz we had on how the First Nations helped the Early Settlers.  We've discussed this for several days and even created chart paper webs on this  topic as a class. However, the results of the quiz were not great. Students are expected to use the specific vocabulary in each unit.  When I asked students about how they reviewed the vocabulary or material at home, many of them admitted that they did not.

      I do my best to prepare students as much as possible during the course of the day on subject specific vocabulary and course content, however, that being said, when I send home the duo tang for review with a focus on TWO pages for the quiz, I would hope students would spend time going over the vocabulary.

Image result for images of studying clipartI spoke to the class about what it means to 'review'.  I modelled ...

Step One:  Read the sentence:
"The First Nations taught the Early Settlers how to hollow out logs to use for buckets to carry water."
Step Two: Cover the sentence that you  just read and try to say it out loud.
Step Three:  If  you were able to use the specific vocabulary when you restated the sentence, move on.  If you didn't use the relevant vocabulary, repeat steps 1 and 2 until you can.
Step Four:  Go on to a new sentence.
Step Five: Go back and try to recall the first two points.  Repeat.

Related imageI explained to students that they NEED to review at home as well in preparation of a quiz.  There is a great deal of vocabulary in Social Studies and the only way to learn it, is to review it.

Personal Information: (Full Name/Address/City/Province/Phone Number/Birthdate)
             On the same  note, I noticed that the same students continue to struggle to write their personal information correctly each week on our Language Quiz. They are not reviewing at home, and so many of them are making the same errors.  Please ask your child if they are one of the 8 students who continue to be unable to write their personal information correctly.  If they are, please review.  See back side of last week's language quiz for areas in need of improvement.

Monday, I will be sending home the language quizzes and Social Studies quizzes to be signed and returned.  I will be having a couple more quizzes this unit, so be on the look out!

Image result for images of pemmicanCounsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name used for dried buffalo meat that the First Nations took with them on long journeys because it was light and very nourishing?