Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Image result for images of online bookingParents and Campers,

We are finally going electronic for interview bookings! Yes, a note will be coming home today explaining how to book an interview time with me next Wednesday, November 13.  Follow these directions below....


1.  Go to a web browser and type in our school website in the address bar:
2.  Click on SCHOOLS.
3.  Scroll down to Elementary Schools and find St. Christopher School and click on it.
4.  Then click on our school name.
5.  This will bring you to St. Christopher Elementary School Portal.
     Scroll down and find Parent/Teacher Interviews.  Click on this.
6. Click on Booking for JK to Grade 6.
7.  Scroll about halfway down and find me, Mrs. R. Wilson - Gr. 3
8. Select your preferred time slot by clicking on Sign Up.
9.  When you are finished with all of your interview scheduling, click on the bottom button
     'Submit and Sign Up!

It's THAT easy!

Can't wait to see you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What did the First Nations use maple burls for everyday?
Image result for images of first nation maple burls