Sunday, November 10, 2019

Image result for first snow fall clip artDear Parents and Campers,

No THRoW this week since we are having an assessment in Math and Social Studies. 

Reminder:  Cold weather and snow are upon us!  Please be diligent in sending your child warm, winter outdoor wear - boots, winter coat, tuque, scarf, gloves, etc.

Image result for images of parent teacher conferences
This week, we will be having our Parent/Teacher interviews on Wednesday evening beginning at 4:00 pm until 7:30pm.  I have set up some other interviews throughout the week as well.  If you were unable to make an appointment for this Wednesday, please let me know and we can arrange a phone interview or meet on some other night.  Thank you to everyone who signed up online!  Please show up promptly for your scheduled 10 minutes so I can try to stay on schedule.
Image result for images of book fair
Book Fair:  Our PAC is holding a book fair this week in our school gym.  It will be open on Wednesday evening for anyone wishing to browse or purchase books.  Students have had two opportunities last week to peruse the books and have made a list. Ask them about their wish list items, these books are at a great price!  If you would like to send money in with your child this week, the fair will be open to purchase books during recesses and during out book fair scheduled visit.

Progress Reports  - coming home Monday.  Please go over this report with your child, sign and return the bottom portion signed in the envelope as soon as possible.  I will be using this same envelope for Term 1 and Term 2 reports as well, so please do not seal the envelope.

Math assessment on Temperature
Students are expected to know...

  • identify benchmark temperatures (water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, water freezes at 0 degrees celcius, body temperature is 37 degrees celsius, hot summer day is 32 degrees celsius, cold winter day is -15 degrees celsius, cool autumn day is 10 degrees celsius)
  • read temperatures on a thermometer
  • shade in a thermometer with the correct temperatures
  • determine how many degrees the temperature falls or rises
  • understand that when the temperature rises on a thermometer, it gets warmer and when it falls, the temperature gets colder.
  • identify activities associated with benchmark temperatures
  1. Social Studies Quiz:  How the First Nations helped the early settlers
  2. Thursday - Language Quiz on the use of than vs then and paragraph writing.
  3. WOW test
Image result for images of no schoolFriday, November 15th:
PD Day, No School for students!

So, you can see why I opted out of THRoW this week.  Students will be expected to review each night for these upcoming assessments.

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the benchmark temperature for a very cold winter day?