Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy Monday Parents and Campers!  I hope the all of the sugar is now out of our systems as we begin a new week!

THRoW - Since we have done Fiction twice and Non-Fiction twice now, we are moving to something new in our weekly homework.  This week, we will be writing journals.  Students are to write 2 entries.  The only feature they need to include for a journal is the date.  It can be written in a number of ways, so long as it is consistent for both.

Language Quiz - Focus this week will be on proper usage of ...
A vs An  - both words mean 'one'. 
A is used before words that begin with a consonant b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.  AN is used before words that begin with a vowel - a, e, i, o, or u.

They're vs Their vs There
They're  - is a contraction for 'they are'
There - is a place (answers WHERE?), opposite of here=there and I've pointed out to campers that the word 'here' is IN the word 'there'. 
Their - possession, answers the question WHOSE?

Ex.  My students put on a play and I loved their performance!  (whose performance?)
       I would like you to sit over there. (where? )
       I think they're super excited to be here! (can be substituted with 'they are')

Also, those students who STILL do not know their personal information in writing, will be asked to include this as part of the language quiz.  Please ask your little camper is they are one of the ones who need review at home.
We have learned the different uses for each.  Please review in their language duo tangs Thursday night.  However, if you would like to review early, have your camper take their book home.

That's good for today!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Use the correct word of there/their/they're in the blank.  Only write the word in your agenda.
I hope _____________________ coming over tonight for dinner!  I haven't seen my cousins in a long time!