Monday, November 18, 2019

Dear Parents and Campers,

THRoW:  This week's THRoW is on paragraph writing.  I have put a modelled example in your child's THRoW duo tang for you to go over (again, we did today) before writing your own paragraph.  Students are to use the same topic sentence as I did..

"I enjoy spending time with my family."

Then they are brainstorm 5-6 things that they could potentially include in their paragraph in a web.  Students know how to make a web.  This is to be done FIRST.  Then, they are to select and number their top 3 or 4 choices and number them from the most important to the least.  These will be their detail sentences.  Finally, they restate the topic sentence in a creative way to end the paragraph; this is called their Closing Sentence.

Remember - Web for brainstorm, then paragraph.  Then I'd like students to 'STOPLIGHT' it, which means, underline the topic sentence in green, the detail sentences in yellow and the closing sentence in red.  See my modelled example.

I look forward to reading these paragraphs on Friday!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the job of the topic sentence?