Friday, November 29, 2019

Terrific week this week campers!

This weekend, campers will be practising away on their 2 very important Christmas Songs; Jingle Bells and Ode to Joy.  Please encourage them to spend 10 minutes or so each night practising. 

Monday - Music Assessment on Jingle Bells.  Students will be asked to play Jingle Bells on Monday to determine their seating position in our concert.  As in a professional orchestra, the most accurate players will be seated closest to the conductor.  I would LOVE it if I had a full first two rows!!  Good luck practising!

And remember....keep those cans coming in!  We are currently at a total of 91 cans!  Great job, but we haven't met our goal yet!  Our goal is 210 cans!  We CAN do it!

Have a terrific weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  On what note does the song Jingle Bells begin?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hello Parents and Campers!

Coming home today is your child's Math duo tang to review for TOMORROW'S test on Measurement. Please go over and see where your child may need additional review. 

Our CANS are coming in!  Thank you to those parents who have already kicked off our can drive by sending in cans!


Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the longest length below?
A.  1 m 32 cm
B.  233 cm
C.  2 m
D. 1 m 288 cm

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Launch of our Advent Season with Cans For a Cause

Image result for images of maddi's fridge
Dear Parents and Campers,

      Today at school, we read a book titled "Maddi's Fridge" by Louis Brandt.  It was about two best friends,  Sofia and Maddi, who live in the same neighborhood, go to the same school, and play in the same park, but while Sofia’s fridge at home is full of nutritious food, the fridge at Maddi’s house is empty. Sofia learns that Maddi’s family doesn’t have enough money to fill their fridge and promises Maddi she’ll keep this discovery a secret. But because Sofia wants to help her friend, she’s faced with a difficult decision: to keep her promise or tell her parents about Maddi’s empty fridge.

This endearing story brings about awareness of how some people in our very own communities, even our very own class, may be struggling with hunger.  
                      As a launch to our Advent season fast approaching, Camp Wilson has decided to put our words into action by participating in ... drum roll please....

Cans For Cause 2019 
 Our goal is to bring in a total of 200 canned goods/non-perishables as a Camp!  That would be 10 cans per  campers!  I think we CAN do it, do you?!  So, beginning Monday, campers are asked to take on some jobs around the house to possibly earn some cans.  We have discussed that any giving is giving, so please support this great cause!  The BEST part is, WE, CAMP WILSON, will be packing our backpacks and WALKING these cans down to Devonshire Mall OURSELVES to make the donation!  Yes, we will need to bundle up, fill our back packs and walk our cans down to the mall on the morning of Friday,  December 6th.  This is the day AM800 will be accepting donations at Devonshire Mall from 5am to 10pm.  

So, let's all pull together and say together...
Image result for images of canned goods


Let the can collecting begin!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many years has AM800 been hosting Cans for a Cause? (Hint: the answer is on this page)
Language Quiz tomorrow:

Focus on...

  • Writing your personal information correctly (Full name, address, postal code, city, province, phone number, birthdate)
  • Use of their/they're/there
  • Use of a/an
  • Use of two/to/too
  • Features of a paragraph:  1 Topic Sentence, 3-4 Detail Sentences, 1 Closing Sentence
  • How to write a topic sentence
Happy Reviewing!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What was the name of the First Nation guide that led Mary Ellen's family to upper Canada?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dear Parents and Campers,

THRoW:  This week's THRoW is on paragraph writing.  I have put a modelled example in your child's THRoW duo tang for you to go over (again, we did today) before writing your own paragraph.  Students are to use the same topic sentence as I did..

"I enjoy spending time with my family."

Then they are brainstorm 5-6 things that they could potentially include in their paragraph in a web.  Students know how to make a web.  This is to be done FIRST.  Then, they are to select and number their top 3 or 4 choices and number them from the most important to the least.  These will be their detail sentences.  Finally, they restate the topic sentence in a creative way to end the paragraph; this is called their Closing Sentence.

Remember - Web for brainstorm, then paragraph.  Then I'd like students to 'STOPLIGHT' it, which means, underline the topic sentence in green, the detail sentences in yellow and the closing sentence in red.  See my modelled example.

I look forward to reading these paragraphs on Friday!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the job of the topic sentence?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social Studies Quiz Results:

       Parents, I would like to take this time to go over what I expect students to do when they take home their duo tangs in Social Studies or Science to review.  We recently had a quiz we had on how the First Nations helped the Early Settlers.  We've discussed this for several days and even created chart paper webs on this  topic as a class. However, the results of the quiz were not great. Students are expected to use the specific vocabulary in each unit.  When I asked students about how they reviewed the vocabulary or material at home, many of them admitted that they did not.

      I do my best to prepare students as much as possible during the course of the day on subject specific vocabulary and course content, however, that being said, when I send home the duo tang for review with a focus on TWO pages for the quiz, I would hope students would spend time going over the vocabulary.

Image result for images of studying clipartI spoke to the class about what it means to 'review'.  I modelled ...

Step One:  Read the sentence:
"The First Nations taught the Early Settlers how to hollow out logs to use for buckets to carry water."
Step Two: Cover the sentence that you  just read and try to say it out loud.
Step Three:  If  you were able to use the specific vocabulary when you restated the sentence, move on.  If you didn't use the relevant vocabulary, repeat steps 1 and 2 until you can.
Step Four:  Go on to a new sentence.
Step Five: Go back and try to recall the first two points.  Repeat.

Related imageI explained to students that they NEED to review at home as well in preparation of a quiz.  There is a great deal of vocabulary in Social Studies and the only way to learn it, is to review it.

Personal Information: (Full Name/Address/City/Province/Phone Number/Birthdate)
             On the same  note, I noticed that the same students continue to struggle to write their personal information correctly each week on our Language Quiz. They are not reviewing at home, and so many of them are making the same errors.  Please ask your child if they are one of the 8 students who continue to be unable to write their personal information correctly.  If they are, please review.  See back side of last week's language quiz for areas in need of improvement.

Monday, I will be sending home the language quizzes and Social Studies quizzes to be signed and returned.  I will be having a couple more quizzes this unit, so be on the look out!

Image result for images of pemmicanCounsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name used for dried buffalo meat that the First Nations took with them on long journeys because it was light and very nourishing? 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Image result for images of parent teacher conferencesTomorrow is Parent / Teacher Interviews!

Looking forward to meeting with all of you at your scheduled time!  I will do my best to keep to the 10 minutes/student timeline!  Please have your questions or concerns ready!

Counsellor Wilson

Image result for images of thermometer degrees celsius

SECRET QUESTION:  The temperature this morning was 3 degrees celsius.  By the afternoon, it dropped 5 degrees.  What was the temperature then?

Congratulations Mrs. Marion!

Image result for images of kudos        Image result for images of kudos

Congratulations to Mrs. Connie Marion, our superstar classroom Educational Assistant who earned a KUDOS award today from our School Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Hamlin!  Mrs. Marion is being recognized for the outstanding work she does every day with our fellow camper, Logen Hill!  Mrs. Marion has helped Logen make incredible gains this year in Camp Wilson!  Logen is making HUGE gains this year in his social skills by buddy reading with fellow campers, giving high fives, playing with peers at recess all due to the outstanding efforts and support of our amazing EA Mrs. Marion!  

Kudos to you, Mrs. Marion!


Monday, November 11, 2019

Remembrance Day Celebration

In celebration of our Remembrance Day Moments of Silence:
Click on link below to enjoy the video...

A Pittance of Time

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What time did we all stop and reflect on those who gave their lives on Remembrance Day?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Image result for first snow fall clip artDear Parents and Campers,

No THRoW this week since we are having an assessment in Math and Social Studies. 

Reminder:  Cold weather and snow are upon us!  Please be diligent in sending your child warm, winter outdoor wear - boots, winter coat, tuque, scarf, gloves, etc.

Image result for images of parent teacher conferences
This week, we will be having our Parent/Teacher interviews on Wednesday evening beginning at 4:00 pm until 7:30pm.  I have set up some other interviews throughout the week as well.  If you were unable to make an appointment for this Wednesday, please let me know and we can arrange a phone interview or meet on some other night.  Thank you to everyone who signed up online!  Please show up promptly for your scheduled 10 minutes so I can try to stay on schedule.
Image result for images of book fair
Book Fair:  Our PAC is holding a book fair this week in our school gym.  It will be open on Wednesday evening for anyone wishing to browse or purchase books.  Students have had two opportunities last week to peruse the books and have made a list. Ask them about their wish list items, these books are at a great price!  If you would like to send money in with your child this week, the fair will be open to purchase books during recesses and during out book fair scheduled visit.

Progress Reports  - coming home Monday.  Please go over this report with your child, sign and return the bottom portion signed in the envelope as soon as possible.  I will be using this same envelope for Term 1 and Term 2 reports as well, so please do not seal the envelope.

Math assessment on Temperature
Students are expected to know...

  • identify benchmark temperatures (water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, water freezes at 0 degrees celcius, body temperature is 37 degrees celsius, hot summer day is 32 degrees celsius, cold winter day is -15 degrees celsius, cool autumn day is 10 degrees celsius)
  • read temperatures on a thermometer
  • shade in a thermometer with the correct temperatures
  • determine how many degrees the temperature falls or rises
  • understand that when the temperature rises on a thermometer, it gets warmer and when it falls, the temperature gets colder.
  • identify activities associated with benchmark temperatures
  1. Social Studies Quiz:  How the First Nations helped the early settlers
  2. Thursday - Language Quiz on the use of than vs then and paragraph writing.
  3. WOW test
Image result for images of no schoolFriday, November 15th:
PD Day, No School for students!

So, you can see why I opted out of THRoW this week.  Students will be expected to review each night for these upcoming assessments.

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the benchmark temperature for a very cold winter day?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Image result for images of online bookingParents and Campers,

We are finally going electronic for interview bookings! Yes, a note will be coming home today explaining how to book an interview time with me next Wednesday, November 13.  Follow these directions below....


1.  Go to a web browser and type in our school website in the address bar:
2.  Click on SCHOOLS.
3.  Scroll down to Elementary Schools and find St. Christopher School and click on it.
4.  Then click on our school name.
5.  This will bring you to St. Christopher Elementary School Portal.
     Scroll down and find Parent/Teacher Interviews.  Click on this.
6. Click on Booking for JK to Grade 6.
7.  Scroll about halfway down and find me, Mrs. R. Wilson - Gr. 3
8. Select your preferred time slot by clicking on Sign Up.
9.  When you are finished with all of your interview scheduling, click on the bottom button
     'Submit and Sign Up!

It's THAT easy!

Can't wait to see you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What did the First Nations use maple burls for everyday?
Image result for images of first nation maple burls

Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy Monday Parents and Campers!  I hope the all of the sugar is now out of our systems as we begin a new week!

THRoW - Since we have done Fiction twice and Non-Fiction twice now, we are moving to something new in our weekly homework.  This week, we will be writing journals.  Students are to write 2 entries.  The only feature they need to include for a journal is the date.  It can be written in a number of ways, so long as it is consistent for both.

Language Quiz - Focus this week will be on proper usage of ...
A vs An  - both words mean 'one'. 
A is used before words that begin with a consonant b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.  AN is used before words that begin with a vowel - a, e, i, o, or u.

They're vs Their vs There
They're  - is a contraction for 'they are'
There - is a place (answers WHERE?), opposite of here=there and I've pointed out to campers that the word 'here' is IN the word 'there'. 
Their - possession, answers the question WHOSE?

Ex.  My students put on a play and I loved their performance!  (whose performance?)
       I would like you to sit over there. (where? )
       I think they're super excited to be here! (can be substituted with 'they are')

Also, those students who STILL do not know their personal information in writing, will be asked to include this as part of the language quiz.  Please ask your little camper is they are one of the ones who need review at home.
We have learned the different uses for each.  Please review in their language duo tangs Thursday night.  However, if you would like to review early, have your camper take their book home.

That's good for today!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Use the correct word of there/their/they're in the blank.  Only write the word in your agenda.
I hope _____________________ coming over tonight for dinner!  I haven't seen my cousins in a long time!