Friday, March 13, 2020

Parents and Players,

Image result for images of washing hands          As you are all well aware, the decision has been made to close all Ontario publicly funded schools from Monday - March 16 - Friday - April 3rd.  School are currently scheduled to be reopened on Monday, April 6th, 2020.  Please go to the below link found on our school board website for any questions/concerns/information.

Click on this link here:  About COVID19

Since we will be away for 3 weeks, I would like you to give the heads up about some materials I am sending home with the intention that they are returned April 6th.

Image result for images of lenten calendar
Religion Duo tang - I have attached stickers at the back of each Religion duo tang for students to use when they complete their daily promise each day of Lent.  Please encourage your child each morning to begin the day by reading the daily promise.  When it has been completed, put a sticker on that day.  (I explained that if for some reason a task/goal wasn't completed on a given day, they could do it on another day as well).

Image result for images of reviewing mathMath Test:  Please review, sign and return their Multiplication/Division Math test and return it immediately to their agenda and put it back in their backpack for safe storage.

Spelling Books Please review, sign and return their Spelling test booklet and put in agenda to store in backpack for safe storage.

Black Independent Reading Pouch:  Please keep stored in their backpacks after each use.

IEPs/Accommodations Paperwork:  (If applicable) Please review, sign and return any IEPs if you received one this week.  Return immediately to agenda and store for safe keeping in backpack.

How Can I Keep Up on Learning over this Long Break?

Image result for images of bored kids
  • Practise multiplication times tables as much as possible
  • Work on Land Regions of Ontario Google Slides presentation if not finished
  • Review Spelling words
  • Write a journal everyday day or so about how you spent your day
  • Perform some of our favourite Poems in Poetry Duo tang
I wish everyone good health this long break - enjoy your family time while you can and I look forward to seeing all 21 of my happy, healthy campers back on Monday, April 6th!

Signing off for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  If we are off for 3 weeks, how many SCHOOL days are we off?