Sunday, March 29, 2020

Google Hangouts Meet: Online Video Conferencing | G SuiteOk, parents and campers, here it is.  I have sent everyone an email inviting them to a Google Meet Hangout for Monday, March 30th at 11:00am.  I am hoping that everyone will be able to join this meeting so we can all say hello finally to each other!

I included the steps on how to do this in the email I sent you.

1.  Log in to mytools2go account.
2.  Click on Google Classroom.
3.  Go to Classwork tab and click on Google Calendar.
4.  Click on meeting written in box Monday, March 30.
5.  Click on Join Meeting.

I hope to see you all there tomorrow!  If you can't get on, I will contact you shortly by phone. I am hoping to connect by phone with everyone tonight to give you a heads up on our meeting for tomorrow. 

From now on, just check our calendar for any scheduled meets.

Thanks and I hope this post finds you all healthy and well!

Counsellor Wilson