Monday, March 30, 2020

Reminder | Manitoba Cycling AssociationGoogle Meet today!
Monday, March 30, 2020 at 11:00!  

1.  Sign in to your mytools2go account
2.  Go to google classroom
3.  Click on tab that says Classwork
4.  Click on Google Calendar at the top of the page.
5.  Find today's date and click on Meeting
6.  Click Join Google Meet

Hope to see everyone soon!  Remember to turn on your microphone and camera!

Counsellor Wilson

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Google Hangouts Meet: Online Video Conferencing | G SuiteOk, parents and campers, here it is.  I have sent everyone an email inviting them to a Google Meet Hangout for Monday, March 30th at 11:00am.  I am hoping that everyone will be able to join this meeting so we can all say hello finally to each other!

I included the steps on how to do this in the email I sent you.

1.  Log in to mytools2go account.
2.  Click on Google Classroom.
3.  Go to Classwork tab and click on Google Calendar.
4.  Click on meeting written in box Monday, March 30.
5.  Click on Join Meeting.

I hope to see you all there tomorrow!  If you can't get on, I will contact you shortly by phone. I am hoping to connect by phone with everyone tonight to give you a heads up on our meeting for tomorrow. 

From now on, just check our calendar for any scheduled meets.

Thanks and I hope this post finds you all healthy and well!

Counsellor Wilson

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Image result for images of firstHello Campers and Parents,

          I hope this blog finds all of you safe, healthy and following the protocol for social distancing during this crazy time.  Know that all staff and administration are working diligently to create an online learning platform for your children to continue learning at each grade level.  

Image result for images of "important" signs          I am concerned about the number of people that are not currently following my blog posts and will consequently not receive important online learning information and updates as the weeks pass.  If you haven't done so already, please do the following...

1.  Follow by Email:  Located to the right of my blog.  Please enter your email in the space provided to link to your phone to my blog for instant notifications.

2.  Follow:  Click on the "Follow" button so your icon becomes visible to me.

These 2 actions should allow me to see that you are getting my blog updates.  Thank you for taking the time to do this! Once I see everyone in my class following, I'll feel much better!

Stay tuned.  I will have information shortly for you.  All students will be continuing to learn through out established Google Classroom forum.  Students know how to do this.  We have been working in Google Classroom since the beginning of the school year. Go to Google Sign in and follow these steps: 

Account Sign in:
Password:             2digitmonth2digitbirthdate4digitbirthyearinitials

Ex. Bob Pitt, born on January 7, 2011:

Account Sign in:
Password:                  01072011bp

Image result for images of google classroom icon    Once in, go to grid in top right hand corner of the screen and find the icon as shown to the left titled 'Classroom' and click on it.  Click on Camp Wilson 2019-2020. You are now in Google Classroom.  (Again, EVERYONE should be able to do this by now already).

    I will notify you on my blog when work is up and ready to begin in Google Classroom.  For now, I am waiting on our board to give us direction on Distance Learning.  In the meantime, feel free to use my Blog links to reinforce literacy and math skills.  Thank you for your patience and I hope you are all staying healthy!

Counsellor Wilson

Friday, March 13, 2020

Parents and Players,

Image result for images of washing hands          As you are all well aware, the decision has been made to close all Ontario publicly funded schools from Monday - March 16 - Friday - April 3rd.  School are currently scheduled to be reopened on Monday, April 6th, 2020.  Please go to the below link found on our school board website for any questions/concerns/information.

Click on this link here:  About COVID19

Since we will be away for 3 weeks, I would like you to give the heads up about some materials I am sending home with the intention that they are returned April 6th.

Image result for images of lenten calendar
Religion Duo tang - I have attached stickers at the back of each Religion duo tang for students to use when they complete their daily promise each day of Lent.  Please encourage your child each morning to begin the day by reading the daily promise.  When it has been completed, put a sticker on that day.  (I explained that if for some reason a task/goal wasn't completed on a given day, they could do it on another day as well).

Image result for images of reviewing mathMath Test:  Please review, sign and return their Multiplication/Division Math test and return it immediately to their agenda and put it back in their backpack for safe storage.

Spelling Books Please review, sign and return their Spelling test booklet and put in agenda to store in backpack for safe storage.

Black Independent Reading Pouch:  Please keep stored in their backpacks after each use.

IEPs/Accommodations Paperwork:  (If applicable) Please review, sign and return any IEPs if you received one this week.  Return immediately to agenda and store for safe keeping in backpack.

How Can I Keep Up on Learning over this Long Break?

Image result for images of bored kids
  • Practise multiplication times tables as much as possible
  • Work on Land Regions of Ontario Google Slides presentation if not finished
  • Review Spelling words
  • Write a journal everyday day or so about how you spent your day
  • Perform some of our favourite Poems in Poetry Duo tang
I wish everyone good health this long break - enjoy your family time while you can and I look forward to seeing all 21 of my happy, healthy campers back on Monday, April 6th!

Signing off for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  If we are off for 3 weeks, how many SCHOOL days are we off?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Soaring Eagle Award Term 1

Congratulations to Lianna Li who earned Term 1 Soaring Eagle award!  Lianna earned this award by showing tremendous work ethic and perseverance in her all areas of her work.  She consistently completes class work and homework with a high degree of quality.  Lianna is our leader in our multiplication links and she demonstrates outstanding academic achievement in all areas of the curriculum.  Well done, Lianna - I see great success in your future whatever you might choose to do!

The Big Crunch!

Today, all of the staff and students at St. Christopher School took a BIG CRUNCH bite out of an apple today in support of our Healthy Living Program!

Enjoy the photo!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  If everyone in our camp took 3 bites out of their apples, how many total bites did our class take? (Hint:  We had 16 students plus 2 teachers present today).

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hello Parents and Players!

Tomorrow is JERSEY DAY - all students wearing Red Wing jersey's will automatically move up  on our behaviour chart! (KIDDING!)  

Image result for images of multiplication braceletsMATH TEST:  Tomorrow students will be assessed in multiplication and division.  Students should be able to ...
  • relate multiplication of one-digit numbers and division by one-digit divisors to real life situations, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., place objects in equal groups, use arrays, write repeated addition or subtraction sentences) (Sample problem: Give a real-life example of when you might need to know that 3 groups of 2 is 3 x 2.)
  • multiply to 7 x 7 and divide to 49 ÷ 7, using a variety of mental strategies (e.g., doubles, doubles plus another set, skip counting)
  • demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division 
  • relate multiplication to
Image result for images of paper linksMultiplication Links  
     Ask your child, how many links they have earned so far in their multiplication times tables.  In grade 3, curriculum expects students to learn up to their 7 x tables, but we are reaching to 12 x tables!  We can do it!  Practice counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 5s, 10s, 11s and 12s during commercial breaks, when setting the table for dinner, whilc driving to a hockey practise, on the way to school, anywhere!

Image result for images of array 4 x 5Happy reviewing!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What multiplication sentence matches this array?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Here's to our final week before MARCH BREAK!
Image result for images of hat day
This week is going to be packed with excitement AND work!

Remember, this week is FULL of incentives earned for our lottery fund-raiser!  This is what we can look forward to this week...

Image result for images of PJ dayTuesday - HAT DAY

Wednesday - PJ DAY

Image result for images of jersey dayThursday - JERSEY DAY

MATH:  We will have our multiplication / division math test on Thursday.  I will send home the Math duo tangs for review Tuesday and Wednesday.  Ask your child how many links they have earned so far....

LANGUAGE:  Quiz on Friday - focus will be on verbs, although, anything up until now that we have learned is free game!  

RECORDERS:  Your child has a black Music duo tang that he/she should be using to  practise each night for 10 minutes or so.  Every Friday, is music class.  Please make sure your recorder is packed in your backpack Thursday night.

Image result for images of ontario land regionsSOCIAL STUDIES:  We are just finishing our Google Slides Presentations on a land region in Ontario.  Students will be presenting these for a grade this week.  I will send home the rubric for this presentation on Monday.

RELIGION:  Please keep your child focused on our daily Lenten promises each day in our Lenten Calendar in the white Religion Duo tang.  

That's about all for now...

Stay tuned for more later this week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the missing math sentence for these related facts:  
4, 24, 6
  • 24 divided by 6 equals 4
  • 6 times 4 equals 24
  • 4 times 6 equals 24

Thursday, March 5, 2020



Sunday, March 1, 2020

Image result for images of strike actionWelcome to another short week!  

Students will not be attending school this Thursday due to the Province-wide strike on Thursday, March 5. 

HOMEWORK:  Be on the look out for possible homework to be completed this week in either Math, Social Studies or Language.  There is no THRoW this week.

Image result for images of lentAs my campers should have already shared with you, we have begun the season of Lent.  In keeping with our Catholic practise, we have focused on prayer, fasting (going without) and charity (works of love) in a Lenten calendar for the season of Lent.  As a camp, we promised to complete a task a day for the 40 days of Lent. Ask your child about our Lenten Calendar.  I will encourage all students to bring home their Religion duo tang so you can go over our goals each day.
        I will need your support on weekends, as I cannot remind them to honour their promises for those days.  I've done my best to make all of these tasks doable.  I've spoken with my campers on the importance of keeping our promises.  Some days will be more challenging than others (the days without electronics).  The goal is to persevere even when it is difficult, so that we may on level understand the struggle that Jesus endured in his time.

MATHWe are well on our way with our Multiplication Links!  What's that?  You don't know what these are?  Well, ask your camper about this and more specificially, ask him/her  how many links they have hanging!  Each link is a timestable.  Students go at their own pace to learn the x0, x1, x2 x5, x10, x3, x4, x6, x7, x8, x9, x11 and x12!  Lianna Li leads the way with 7 links!  Way to go, Lianna!

Language Quiz:  Each week, our quizzes will reflect prior learning.  So, if our focus is adjectives, it may include past learning such as plurals, nous, pronouns and editing.  This week, we continue to work on adjectives and will introduce verbs.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We are currently in a unit on the Land Regions in Ontario;
Here is the key learning for this unit:

  • 3 identify the major land form regions in Ontario (e.g., the Canadian Shield, the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Hudson Bay Lowlands), and describe the major characteristics that make each distinct
  • describe some major connections between features of the natural environment and the type of employment that is available in a region, with reference to two or more municipal regions in Ontario
  •  describe some major connections between features of the natural environment of a region and the type of land use and/or the type of community that is established in that region
  • evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about some of the short- and long-term effects on the environment of different types of land use in municipal regions of Ontario and about key measures to reduce the negative impact of that use
  • 4 identify and describe the main types of employment that are available in two or more municipal regions in Ontario
  • demonstrate an understanding that Ontario is divided into different municipal or regional entities (e.g., cities, towns, townships, villages, counties, reserves) and that local governments within these entities provide specific services and regulate development according to local needs 
  • demonstrate an understanding that political maps, both print and digital, use different typographical styles to indicate different types of entities (e.g., bold face capitals for a country [CANADA], capitals for a province [ONTARIO], and lower case for a city [Sudbury] 

Well, that's enough to take in on Sunday evening!  See you all tomorrow, campers!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Our desks are arranged  ...
A.   In equal rows
B.   In a circle
C.   In a Horseshoe