Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dear Parents,

Hopefully, you all enjoyed seeing a really good achievement level on your child's open-book Science quiz today on Forces.  Tonight, your child is expected to review the key learning on Muscular Force by reviewing the information on the two pages in their Science Duotangs.

Students should be able to ...
  • state the 3 types of muscles
  • explain how our heart muscle works
  • explain that involuntary muscles, also called smooth muscles, work without us even thinking about them.
  • explain that voluntary muscles, also called skeletal muscles, work when our brains send a message to our muscles to move.  
  • state what a child needs to do in order to grow up healthy (eat a healthy diet and exercise through play)
  • give examples of muscular force
  • label the 7 muscles we learned about a person (don't worry about spelling)
I sent the duo tangs home yesterday for extra review and tonight again.  This quiz is NOT open book, so I must stress the importance of taking 20 or so minutes tonight to review this information.  I will do a whole class review in Tic Tac Toe game format today as well.

Happy Reviewing!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What does 'cardiac' mean?
A.  Of the bones
B.  Of the muscles
C.  Of the heart