Thursday, January 30, 2020

Image result for images of anchor charts for plurals of nounsTonight!  Review Language duo tangs on Nouns and plural nouns!

* some nouns just add 's'
* some nouns add 'es'
* some nouns remove the f or fe and add 'ves'
* some nouns are irregular

I'll mark and return the Math assessments tonight for you to review, correct, sign and return next week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  There are 20 campers in 3W.  4 fifths of them know their 5 times tables.  How many campers know their 5 times tables?

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Does anyone recognize this blue and white container?  It's been in my room for quite some time now and I'd hate for you to lose out!  Please let me know in your child's agenda if it belongs to you!

SECRET QUESTION:  If there were 20 cupcakes in this mysterious blue and white container and Mrs. Wilson at  1 fourth of them, how many cupcakes did she eat?

Monday, January 27, 2020

Image result for images of happy campers clip artHappy Monday Parents and Campers!

This week:  Homework will consist primarily of Math and Language.  Please make sure your child completes and returns unfinished by the next day.  Math will be going home with students who need to complete it.

LANGUAGE QUIZ:  This week's language quiz will be focused on nouns and plurals of nouns.  I will send home our yellow duo tang for review Wednesday and Thursday.

Math: We have begun a new unit on Fractions. Students are expected to divide whole objects and sets of objects into equal parts, and identify the parts using fractional names (e.g., one half; three thirds; two fourths or two quarters).

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 1 half of 4?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hello Parents,

Sorry, you haven't heard from me in a's been a rough week for me health-wise...I was hit hard on Monday with a 24 hour flu bug, but things are back to a go!

Image result for images of nouns anchor chartsSCIENCE - Today was the final quiz on erosion.  I will be sending it home for you to review, sign and return. 

Language Quiz - Friday's language quiz will be solely on nouns.  Students are expected to identify the nouns - both proper and common in a sentence.  I will send home their yellow language duo tangs for review Thursday night.

Responsible student clipart
Reading Pouches - Ok campers, it's time to show you have what it takes!   I have been checking on each camper's monthly reading minutes since September making sure they are all reading on a regular basis so that they will be on track to achieve our year end goal of 3000 minutes. However, it is the half-way point in the year.  Those campers who make reading a priority will achieve their 3000 minute goal.  They will be rewarded with a lunch of their choice by me at the end of the year!  So, parents, make sure to sign each and every reading entry.  Only those campers who submit their completed reading logs in June will be treated to lunch.  No tears if this goal isn't achieved.  It takes responsibility and commitment every school night to dedicate 20 minutes to reading.  Not shocking at all - but there is a STRONG correlation between consistent readers and overall reading success!  Remember, students are expected to ready for 20 minutes a night ANYWAYS.  Just  I will be collecting all of my black pouches in June (if misplaced, please purchase a replacement  at any dollar store).   YOU have the power, campers!  Dig deep and read!

MUSIC:  Please ensure that your child keeps his/her recorder in their backpacks at all times.  We will be committing to music on the recorders every Friday until the end of the year. 

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 5x5?

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Image result for no school friday images
Happy Long weekend Parents and Campers!

Today, campers did a great job on their third Science quiz on Friction.  We will have our final quiz next week on Wednesday and it will be on Erosion.  Please check out the video in this blog on the right hand side under Science.  

The final mark for Science will be an average of all four quizzes on forces.  

Monday - Review on Erosion
Wednesday - Quiz on Erosion
Thursday - Review Language
Friday - Language Quiz, WOW test

Monday - be on the lookout to review, sign and return quiz on Friction and Probability math test.  Next week, we begin a unit on Fractions!

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What forces are at work when a person is lifting weights at the gym?
A.  Gravity
B.  Muscular Force, Gravity and Friction
C.  Friction and Muscular Force
D.  Muscular Force and Gravity

Monday, January 13, 2020

Dear Parents and Campers,

Welcome back to a short week!  This Friday, there is no school because it is a P.D. day.  So, our homework will consist primarily reviewing for Science and Math.

Image result for images of gravity anchor chartMonday - Review Gravity
Tuesday - Gravity Quiz, Review Math
Wednesday - Review Friction, Review Math
Thursday - Friction Quiz, Math Test, WOW test

Therefore, there is no THRoW this week, nor is there any language quiz.  Please spend time reviewing Science by practising at home.  I have included the videos for Gravity and Friction on my Blog on the right hand side under Science.

Math:  Thursday we will have a Math test on Probability. Students are expected to be able to ...

    Image result for images of probability anchor chart
  • Use mathematical language to discuss the CHANCE of something happening; certain, impossible, likely, unlikely, equally likely, more likely than and less likely than.
  • Find the probability of an event occurring.
  • Determine if a game is fair or unfair and explain why using probability.
  • Create spinners based on specific criteria.  Ex.  Create a spinner where blue is equally likely to be spun as red.
  • Answer multiple choice questions dealing with chance and probability.
Please review your child's math and science duo tangs this week.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Using a regular die with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on it, what is the probability of rolling an odd number?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Image result for images of black zipper pouch
Happy Friday, Parents and Campers!

I am trying to touch base with students regarding their progress in our reading challenge.  At this point in time, your child should be at around 1, 800 minutes give or take a few hundred.  Please ensure your child returns his/her reading pouch to their backpacks so that I can have access to peek in on their progress.  There are a few students who still have yet to return their pouch a second time.  Thank you!

Our video/review/quiz format for Science is moving along beautifully!  Keep review at home!  Thank you for your support!

Counsellor Wilson

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dear Parents,

Hopefully, you all enjoyed seeing a really good achievement level on your child's open-book Science quiz today on Forces.  Tonight, your child is expected to review the key learning on Muscular Force by reviewing the information on the two pages in their Science Duotangs.

Students should be able to ...
  • state the 3 types of muscles
  • explain how our heart muscle works
  • explain that involuntary muscles, also called smooth muscles, work without us even thinking about them.
  • explain that voluntary muscles, also called skeletal muscles, work when our brains send a message to our muscles to move.  
  • state what a child needs to do in order to grow up healthy (eat a healthy diet and exercise through play)
  • give examples of muscular force
  • label the 7 muscles we learned about a person (don't worry about spelling)
I sent the duo tangs home yesterday for extra review and tonight again.  This quiz is NOT open book, so I must stress the importance of taking 20 or so minutes tonight to review this information.  I will do a whole class review in Tic Tac Toe game format today as well.

Happy Reviewing!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What does 'cardiac' mean?
A.  Of the bones
B.  Of the muscles
C.  Of the heart

Monday, January 6, 2020

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

Image result for images of old people clip artWelcome back Parents and Campers!

Everyone looks a whole year older today!  Glad to see everyone back happy, rested and healthy!

Image result for images of a happy teacher clip art

 I wrote back to each camper in their THRoW, so please enjoy my response letter tonight before beginning our new THRoW.  I REALLY enjoyed reading my campers' letters!  I learned a lot about them and enjoyed many good laughs!

THRoW:  The THRoW for the next month or so will be including a reading response with multiple choice questions and 2 short answers.  This week's reading response is titled The Eraser.  Students are to reread (even though we read it aloud today) the story and answer the questions.  Every multiple choice has only ONE correct answer.   Students are encouraged to refer back to specific parts of the text to confirm answers as needed.  The short answer should provide specific, detailed examples from the text in order to achieve a level 3 or 4.  

Image result for images of probability
Math:  We are currently working on a short unit on Probability.  Please ensure all pages are completed and returned each day.  Those campers who do not finish their work during class time, will be expected to complete it at home.

Science:  We are beginning a unit on Forces. We will explore what a force is and different kinds of forces such as Muscular Force, The Force of Gravity, Friction and Erosion.  Our unit will consist of a series of mini-video clips accompanied by a review sheet with key information. I will attach the videos on my blog for you to re-watch should you choose. This is the way this unit will unfold:

Day 1 - Introduction to unit.
Image result for images of forcesDay 2 - Open book quiz on Forces.
Day 3 - Video on Muscular Force + Review Sheet
Day 4 - Quiz on Muscular Force
Day 5 - Video on Gravity + Review Sheet
Day 6 - Quiz on Gravity
Day 7  - Video on  Friction + Review Sheet
Day 8 - Quiz on Friction
Day 9 - Video on Erosion + Review Sheet
Day 10 - Quiz on Erosion

So the average of all five quizzes will determine your child's overall grade for this unit.  Students really enjoy this format of learning as a nice change of pace.  Be sure to spend time reviewing each night with your child before each quiz.  Tomorrow, we begin Day 1.  

There will be no language quiz this week or next in light of our quizzes in Science. 

That's enough for now!  I'm thrilled to be back at it in Camp Wilson!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What word would you use to best describe the chance of  having indoor recess all day tomorrow?
A.  certain
B. unlikely
C. likely
D. impossible