Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Image result for images of christmas costume propsHello Parents and Campers!

Sorry, I´ve been lacking in the blogging department....this week has been extremely busy!  Tomorrow, is our Christmas performance!  Please help your child to dress in festive Christmas colours for this special occasion!  If anyone wants to wear a pair of headband antlers, or any other props, please feel free!

There are 2 more days to go! 

Image result for images of black  pouches

I have asked certain students to RETURN their black independent reading pouch for tomorrow so I can track and record their reading progress in our reading challenge!  Some students will need to read over the Christmas break in order to catch up on their minutes.  By now, students should have read for approximately 1500 minutes in order to meet our 3000 minutes challenge.  Please make sure these pouches are returned tomorrow.

Also, reminder that Friday, I am treating students to a camp luncheon consisting of pasta, rolls, salad and juice boxes.  Send regular snacks for morning and afternoon. 
Image result for images of advent candles meaning
Cousellor Wilson

SECRET QUESITON:  What does the pink candle in the third week of Advent represent?